The Importance of Being on Time for Work when Working from Home

The Importance of Being on Time for Work when Working from Home

The Importance of Being on Time for Work when Working from Home

Your manager has sent you yet another text message. What are you doing? It’s been 20 minutes since the meeting began. You feel your sweat levels rising. This has happened twice already this month. You are aware of your shortcomings and have taken the first step towards improving your attendance and punctuality.

If you’re new to remote or hybrid work, you may find it challenging to maintain punctuality. Several options exist, which is good news for those who are struggling to keep regular attendance at their home office.

We’ve included some suggestions for improving your attendance and punctuality in the workplace below.

The Importance of Being On Time

If you want to make a good impression on your boss, you need to be punctual. Maintaining efficient processes is also crucial. Furthermore, trust with your team or clients is built upon your consistent punctuality. You’re not allowed to multitask while on the clock or regularly be late to work events due to sleeplessness.

Being on time to a remote or hybrid job can be difficult at first. However, you should still be punctual for both work and meetings/events, just as you would in an actual office. In the absence of an acceptable explanation, you risk disciplinary action up to and including termination.

How to Be on Time Even While Working From Home or a Coffee Shop

Nobody likes the idea of getting in trouble at work and maybe losing their job. Here are some suggestions that might assist you if you’re having trouble with punctuality at work.

1. Hang up a calendar.

If you learn best through visuals, a wall calendar can help you keep track of your Zoom meetings and phone calls. You can even color-code the events by type to get a visual of what’s happening this week and next month.

Schedule non-work events so you don’t have to miss a board meeting because you have a dentist appointment. Alternatively, if you need to miss a meeting for personal or health reasons, you can let your boss know in advance.

2. Aim to Arrive Early

Even in a remote or hybrid workplace, it’s best practise to arrive early to meetings. Prepare for your Zoom meeting by logging in a few minutes early. You can iron out any connectivity kinks before a big meeting or presentation.

3. Plan ahead and wake up early

To avoid missing the start of the workday or an important call with a potential client, be sure to set an alarm on your clock or smartphone. Set an alarm for 20 or 30 minutes in advance to give yourself time to get ready.

Apps like Google Calendar are also available. You can use these programmes to schedule events and meetings in your calendar. Also, at predetermined intervals, you can have the system remind you of upcoming meetings. Some calendars even have a built-in reminder system that can “talk” to you about upcoming events.

4. Get More Help

Meeting reminders and attendance policies can be especially difficult to adhere to when one has a mental health condition or disability. Please know that you are not alone if this describes you. While coming out with a disability to your manager and the HR department can be intimidating, it can help everyone work together to accommodate your needs.

Talking to your primary care physician can help rule out any underlying health issues if you continue to have trouble remembering important events or scheduled meetings.

5. Communicate

Despite our best intentions, sometimes life just happens. The local power company’s transformers blow, you have a flat tyre, or the school contacts you to pick up your sick child. This sort of event defies preparation. Report this to your superior if it occurs to you (and if necessary, they can relay this information to any necessary parties).

6. Always Be On Time.

Whether you’re working from home or at an office, reliability in both regards is essential. If you want to keep your job, keep trusting coworkers, and keep things running smoothly, you need to be punctual. You may improve your attendance at work by employing tools like alarm clocks, calendars, and open lines of communication with your supervisor.

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