Database Services
Find the candidates who suites your needs from Career Hunts - The largest pool of perfect Job seekers!
- Over 3 milions active jobseekers.
- Verified Job Seekers
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- Engineering Graduates from Top Engineering Colleges such as IITs and NITs.
- MBA grads from the best management colleges such as IIMs.
IT database Service
Discover related Roles & Skills, unleashing highly relevant results with CareerHunts Dynamic semantic search which offers appropriate IT resumes by better search engine and thus it will help you find the best candidates across the nation who will in turn take your organization to the next level of success. And with our top-of-the-line algorithm and search filtration, we find the best candidates who will be perfect for you and your organization and will get your company the success you always deserved.
Jobs Posting Service
Cater Your Jobs To the best Candidates with CareerHunts unyielding Job Matching Technology
- 60 days of visibility for every job advertised
- Unlimited Applies
- Relevant and quality responses to job
- Intelligent search technology in on best matching responses
Branding Services
Give your organization a new reach and the next level of success with a huge brand recognition on our website
- You will receive a Tailormade Microsite for candidates to check you out.
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Top Consultants
When you qualify for the top consultant on our website you not only get the best candidates, but you will see that you increase your brand recognition as well. All of your job postings are guaranteed to be on the top of the page, making sure that the best candidates will be taking