6 Keys

The 6 Keys to Professional Achievement

The 6 Keys to Professional Achievement

In seeking new staff, what do companies seek? That was the query that was asked not so long ago in an online job forum. Inevitably, the specific responses to that question would vary depending on the position being filled. However, regardless of whether an applicant is applying for a position as a network engineer or a fry cook, there are a few universal talents that every employer values.

Skills Essential to Success

  1. BASIC SKILLS- A solid foundation in literacy, numeracy, and science! Even though it may be hard to believe, many people who have completed high school (and even some who have completed college) are unable to read at an 8th grade level or perform mental multiplication. Companies want to hire people who are literate, can communicate clearly in writing, and can use mathematics effectively in the workplace (fractions, percentages, etc.) To this list, you should add the ability to utilise a computer and its associated equipment (a keyboard, a mouse, a mouse, a fax machine, a word processor, etc.) in addition to traditional office skills.
  1. PERSONAL SKILLS- Should a candidate be able to communicate well? Is he or she able to respond to consumers’ inquiries with enthusiasm and knowledge? Can you trust the candidate to deliver excellent service to your clients? Not everyone has the extroverted sales personality that is necessary for success in the workplace, but those who do have the ability to interact effectively in a pleasant, non-confrontational way with customers, coworkers, and superiors tend to be more satisfied with their jobs. Successful people in any field share the ability to collaborate well with others.
  1. JOB ATTAINMENT- A solid foundation in literacy, numeracy, and science! Even though it may be hard to believe, many people who have completed high school (and even some who have completed college) are unable to read at an 8th grade level or perform mental multiplication. Companies want to hire people who are literate, can communicate clearly in writing, and can use mathematics effectively in the workplace (fractions, percentages, etc.) To this list, you should add the ability to utilise a computer and its associated equipment (a keyboard, a mouse, a mouse, a fax machine, a word processor, etc.) in addition to traditional office skills.
  1. JOB SURVIVAL- During these time of widespread layoffs, this is certainly topical. When deciding who stays and who goes, statistics play a role, but performance also plays a significant role. Employees who have proven their worth, shown initiative, and become an asset to the organisation are less likely to be laid off than those who are merely adequate in their roles. Successful workers learn and intentionally cultivate the ability to weather internal layoffs and advance in their careers.
  1. PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT- Everybody in the field of high technology and engineering knows that staying current professionally is crucial if you want to succeed. To be competitive in today’s job market, it is essential to constantly educate yourself and sharpen your existing set of abilities through learning new ones. The successful person is always updating their skill set by learning something new, whether it is through seminars, classes, product training, or some other means. People who achieve a lot in life are those who never stop learning. Companies want to hire people who have the skills to do the jobs they have open.
  1. CAREER DEVELOPMENT Improvements in one’s professional abilities are distinct from those made to one’s career. Learning is part of professional development, but career development is about strategy and direction. Successful people have a long-term and short-term career strategy with concrete objectives. They map out the actions they need to do to advance their careers from A to B within Time Frame C, and the measures they will take to take those actions. People who consistently achieve their goals have a reliable accountability partner who keeps tabs on their development. It may come as a surprise, but today’s businesses are actively seeking employees who are interested in making long-term commitments to their organisations. Employers place a premium on individuals who show promise for professional advancement.



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