So, you’re seeing a rise in sales, then? Congratulations! Hiring new staff is a major step that can be nerve-wracking for both the employer and the new hire. Workers are a company’s most valuable resource. Because they are the foundation of your company’s culture and the drivers of its development. All employment decisions require caution, but those made at this point are extremely important. To locate your next superstar employee, try these four tried-and-true hiring methods.

Keep your standards high.

It’s easy to get tempted to hire below-average candidates in order to fill a position fast. You may feel pressured to find a candidate quickly if your small team is struggling to satisfy customer demands and internal deadlines. Although it may be challenging, try to avoid giving in to this urge.

It’s wishful thinking to fill a position with an unqualified candidate and hope they’ll flourish in your company. Spending thousands on hiring and training someone who just stays for a few months and doesn’t contribute anything is a waste of money. One study found that improper hires can cost businesses up to 30 percent of an employee’s compensation in the first year. This is an expense that cannot be sustained during this period of fast expansion.

Even during periods of explosive expansion, it pays to take your time with the hiring process. 


Rather than focusing on experience or education initially, hire for a positive attitude. Technical abilities may be taught to employees in every position, but soft skills are more challenging to impart. Employees in fast-growing companies need a certain mindset. To take advantage of the expansion, it is necessary to have a mentality that is helpful, determined, and flexible.

Employees who will thrive in your rapidly expanding business will be those who are willing to help out wherever they are needed, regardless of whether or not it is directly related to their position. They need to be problem solvers who can show they can think critically and independently. These types of footprints require longer to hone than technical expertise. Your rapidly expanding business just doesn’t have the luxury of such a pause.

Assessing a candidate’s soft talents is among the most challenging tasks. Screening for soft skills can be done in a variety of inventive methods, some of which are included below.

  • Candidates should be asked to describe the soft skills necessary for them to succeed in the position. Solicit in-depth explanations.
  • Pose inquiries that are situation-specific.
  • Have potential hires rate themselves on a list of the soft skills that are most appreciated at your organisation.
  • Use the candidate’s references to rate them on a list of the soft talents that are most important to your firm.
  • To verify soft talents, you can take an online test.
  • Find out where a candidate thinks they can strengthen their soft skills by asking them directly.
  • Use a game-based simulation to conduct a group interview.

Remember: Having the right frame of mind is crucial during times of fast expansion.

Recognize your preconceived notions and test them.

Those in positions of power within an organisation and those who play a role in the recruiting process should examine their own unconscious prejudices. Everyone has a certain amount of bias, even if it’s not intentional. When you acknowledge the problem, you may begin working toward a solution.

By discouraging qualified applicants, narrowing the pool of available workers, and creating a bottleneck in the succession of talent, unconscious biases in the hiring process can ruin your company’s prospects of finding a valued employee. Use these steps to help you examine your own biases:

Remove any references to gender from the posting.

  • Example: There is a system in place that assigns a gender code to specific terms. Words like “assertive” and “nurturing” are gendered in different ways: the former is associated with men, while the latter with women. Try out this gender decoder app.

Leave out any superfluous caveats.

  • Example: Is a bachelor’s degree required? Think about putting in relevant work experience in place of a degree.

Employ a software that can screen for errors without the user knowing. Using this programme, hiring managers can examine resumes without access to identifying information. By following these steps, you may boost your chances of sifting through applications and finding the best possible applicants to interview.

  • According to research conducted by the American Economic Association, candidates with “white-sounding” names like Emily Walsh and Greg Baker received nearly 50% more callbacks than those with “black-sounding” names like Lakisha Washington and Jamal Jones. According to the study’s findings, having a name that sounds “white” is equivalent to having eight years of experience in the workforce. Blind resume reviews are a good way to cut down on this bais.

Avoid missing out on a talented candidate because of hidden prejudices. Recognize that you have preconceived notions. 

Learn to trust others and delegate responsibility.

The CEO of a small firm can easily be involved in every employment decision, but this gets increasingly difficult as the company expands. Understanding how to entrust others with important decisions is a challenging but necessary aspect of growth. Any effective and efficient CEO will tell you that delegation is crucial to the company’s success.

You need to find someone you trust before you can feel safe delegating responsibility. In fast-growing startups, human resources departments already have too much on their plates. You might use an outsourced recruitment service to supplement your current staff.

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